Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Sometimes I wonder about running "columns" in this blog. I write a lot of first-person fiction, after all. I could run "Confessions of a Slutty Cousin" (which I sent in to Literotica in chapter form, today) in short pieces. Or "Neurotic/Erotic," a series of adventures of an existential sex hero. I know people can get that in nonfiction form (and sometimes "nonfiction" form), so a fake blog is probably in a distant second place to the real thing, or something even pretending to be. But I don't want to just make a couple extra blogs and pretend they're real; I did that, once, and it was a bad, bad, bad idea, however innocent or just generally disassociative the initial intention was. But running blog features? That could be fun.

I'm a little suspicious about giving into the blog-as-literature phenomenon. It's not that I don't think it's legitimate to get your memoir on in a blog, definitely not--I've read some stunning blog writing--but making a fiction version? Writing fiction as if it were a blog? ...Seems like it could come off a little, well, sad.

But I have to admit, it's tempting. If not written explicitly as a blog, just as sort of.. periodical fiction? Maybe someone would enjoy reading it. Maybe it would draw a little attention (...yes, I'm a whore?); that happens, sometimes. And attention is something I don't have, here. Blogging without readers is--well, it's tempting to say it's like masturbation, but it's not even that. It's like talking about masturbating, when no one's even listening, and that's not a place you want to go.

There is also the fear of plagiarism, though (not to sound narcissistic; some people will plagiarize anything), which is a point against it.

I'd ask you what you think about the matter, but you're not there. It's a conundrum, friend.

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